Crossfit Krypton – What My Coaches Have Taught Me

I have been working out at CrossFit Krypton for two years. I have been doing Crossfit for five years. I started out at another box before coming to Krypton. I have mentioned this before in earlier blogs, but everyone who does Crossfit thinks they have the best coaches. It is the nature of this sport. Each Crossfit facility has a different “flavor” as it were and folks are encouraged to find the box that fits them best. So I’m not going to argue with you. I know you think your coaches are the best coaches in the whole entire world. However, I know without a shadow of a doubt that I have the best coaches in the world. And the best box. We have a very family oriented box. Several families workout together at our box. Teens right along side of their mothers and fathers. This is very fun to watch because you can see that the relationship they have developed at the box somehow translate into their relationship at home. And, as you also know from this blog, I am 61 years old.
A master’s crossfit athlete. I’ve been around a few years. There are not a lot of master’s crossfit coaches out there; or at least I haven’t found them. At both the boxes I have been a member of the coaches have been young. Really young. I will admit here that it can be hard to take direction from someone who is younger than your own children. I have even said to them that I have furniture older than they are! But I will say I have learned a lot from my coaches over the past two years.

Ben Smith, Adam Klink, Alec Smith
Ben Smith, Adam Klink, Alec Smith

Ben Smith owns our box. He is our head coach. He is the boss. He is also young. That said, Ben has a level of maturity not found in most young men his age. He is also very good at Crossfit. What I have learned from Ben is focus and self-discipline. Ben is quiet but deadly. You will never hear him boast about his achievements with Crossfit. If he is hurt you will never hear about that either. Ben works out hard. He is quite impressive and fun to watch. When Ben pushes me I trust him. Ben sets the tone for our box that trickles down to all our members. He is someone you want to work hard for. In Regionals when I finished my 40 pull-ups the one thing I remember thinking was “is Ben proud of me.” Ben can block out everything around him push through any amount of pain and discomfort. Because he is Ben Smith we often have photographers at the box. I remember one time mumbling that the cameras made me uncomfortable. Ben told me to “block them out.” To just focus on what was in front of me. This helped me immeasurably in competitions.

Adam Klink. Adam is kind. The box is my happy place. But there are times in my personal life when I have been upset. Adam has the ability to totally hone in on those few times I have come to the box to work through my issues. He knows when I’m on the verge of tears and knows how to talk me through it and how to get me through a workout that I desperately need to bring balance to my life. On my own I would have probably just walked away.

Ryan Sica. Ryan is quietly supportive. Ryan wants to be a doctor. He will make a very good doctor because he already has the bedside manner down pat. He knows how to encourage quietly without resorting to yelling and screaming. He was one of my scorers during both the Open and Regionals. During the Open I had bronchitis and was very sick. It was the workout with the 50 wall balls and 100 double unders. Ryan just stood there next to me patiently and quietly telling me I could do it. I did not think I could do it but Ryan thought I could. During Regionals I had those 40 unassisted pull ups. I had only done unassisted pull-ups one other time in a workout before Regionals. Once again, Ryan stood next to me patiently counting them out and encouraging me to do “just one more.” I think I remember telling him I loved him during the workout because he was so calm and that was just what I needed at that time. Did I tell you Ryan wants to be a doctor? He will be really good.

Alec Smith. Alec is fun. Alec loves to compete. Alec is a showman when it comes to his working out.
He enjoys competing and playing to the crowd. I wish I could enjoy competing the way Alec does. He makes it look like so much fun. I have been working on enjoying the competing piece of Crossfit. Trying to relax. Alec has a background in gymnastics and it is a beautiful thing to watch. He has a gracefulness to his workouts. Alec is a delight to watch because you know he is having so much fun.
I am trying to relax and have more fun with my workouts.

All of these are young men. It could difficult for me to take direction from coaches so much younger than myself. However, they are men of such integrity and character that they make it easy for the rest of us to follow. Ben, Adam and Alec are going to Regionals in Atlanta this weekend. I’ve watched them in my gym. They have worked hard. They deserve to go to Regionals. They will be fun to watch. But at the end of the day I will be grateful when they come home and take up their day to day commitment to those of us at the box who look to them for direction and guidance. We are very fortunate to have that level of coaching in our lives day in and day out.

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Thanks guys. And good luck this weekend at Regionals.

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My name is Nancy. I am 63 years old and have been doing cross fit for seven years. I honestly believe that age is just a number and it is possible to age with humor and grace. Because getting older is NOT for sissies.

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